There are so many beautiful and classic children’s books that you can bring into your family. You can use the books to teach your children words and other lessons.
I love finding a new book that aligns with my children’s development and family values, but every once and awhile I love to read books to my kids that were read to me growing up. Here is a list of eight books that I remember having in my home growing up that I have in my home now.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

I think this was my mom’s favorite book to read to us growing up. A definite classic children’s book in my home. My mother has a lot of rhythm and this book is right in that lane. The graphics are simple. The story line is simple. The rhythm is fun and engaging. All these components make it perfect for your toddlers.
It also teaches about upper and lowercase letters. The lowercase letters climb the tree and then their “grown-ups” come and help them when they fall out of the tree. It is a quick read. It is also a book you can “chant” out loud to your children as you are working in the kitchen or getting some cleaning done.
The Little Engine That Could

I introduce this book when my child first starts to love transportation. (e.g. planes, cars, buses, etc.) The train is usually one that they latch on to very quickly. The little blue engine is a very important character in our house.
The story is a little more complicated than some other classic children’s books, but this book has quite a bit of longevity to it. Your littlest will love it for the train and the toy characters. As they age they will become very familiar with “I think I can, I think I can.”
This is a wonderful moral to teach your kids. It is something that will remind my kids when they are struggling to complete a task and need a little extra encouragement.

There are a couple of books in this classic children’s series. The two most common are the original Corduroy and then A Pocket for Corduroy. While I now enjoy the original Corduroy, I struggled a little with the dark when I was younger so it always seemed a little spooky to me. My son has no such problem with the book.
I particularly liked A Pocket for Corduroy. I thought the laundromat backdrop was exciting and interesting. When Corduroy was being introduced to me I had never been to a laundromat, but I knew about laundry, washing machines, and dryers. It was something to learn about with some context I was familiar with.
These classic children’s books gave me a sense of security and that people would be looking out for. I do not know if my children get the same feeling from Corduroy that I did, but they still enjoy it.
Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse

This was one that was read often in our house. It was one of those books that had to be replaced every once in a while from receiving so much love.
I think it is a wonderful book to teach your kids about evolving emotions. Lily feels happiness, sadness, anger, remorse, and a whole range of other emotions. They also get to learn a little bit about social dynamics.
The storyline is for a little older children, but still plenty of other things for younger children to enjoy.
Are You My Mother?

Even as a child this book made me feel very close to and cared for by my mother. This is one of the first books where I recall being able to feel empathy. The distress and determination of the little bird while on his adventure to find his mother was something I was able to feel.
The book resolves in a loving way that relieved any negative emotion that I empathized with while reading it. Of course, I love all the characters in it and was particularly fascinated by the character “SNORT”.
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

This is one of the classic children’s books that is just meant to be enjoyed. This is not a book that we had in our home, but one that was at my Grandma’s house growing up. We did not live by my Grandma, but every time that we would make our way over to see her I would quickly find this book in the book box and read it or have someone read it to me.
It is a little silly and ridiculous, but so enjoyable. It is one that a lot of kids enjoy. (Check out our “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs” themed children’s party.)
Green Eggs and Ham

My husband has fond memories of “Dr. Suess’s ABCs” and I love “Green Eggs and Ham.”
“Green, Eggs, and Ham” I think is a bit different than the majority of the Doctor Suess books. There are less made up words, but still rhymes. I remember being fascinated with the idea of green eggs and how that could possibly be.
It is a good introductory Dr. Suess with just the right amount of whimsy.
The Rainbow Fish

I think the rainbow fish is a great book for teaching your children about making friends, thinking of others, and what true happiness is. It helps explain that people are more important than things and that we should value our relationships.
I wil read this story with my kids to teach them about sharing with their siblings, and then as they age we will talk about how sometimes we have to share and sacrifice to make friends. The characters are rich and fun. All of my kids have loved the foil shells that are part of the fish. It is a fun visual aspect of the book.
This is by no means a comprehensive list of books that can be implemented in your home that you remember from your child. Comment below the list of books you loved as a child that your kids love now!
Be sure to share so to help other moms remember those books they loved and want to share!

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